Monday, December 29, 2008

Do you dream in sci-fi?

People ask if I dream in color. It's hard to say, I'm not very visual in my dreams. There's a roughwork of visions, but I largely dream in feelings, concepts, and emotions.

I woke up one night with a dream banging around in my head, and I actually bothered (for once) to type the story out. I've had many odd dreams, in one I was in the Student Center at my college, hiding in a dark hallway with (believe it or not), Johnny Fever from WKRP in Cincinatti. He was offering me some cocaine coated mixed nuts.

In this dream, I dreamed in Sci-Fi. It's an old plot in an out-space setting (like a LOT of sci-fi), but what the hell? Here it is:

I was part of a travelling colony on an asteroid, with its atmosphere held in place artificially. The colony was small, and it's population held in control with a dowery system. I was young and of marrying age (around 16). I was in love with one girl, and was expected to marry another. The latter was the darling of the colony, everyone loved her, the former was unknown.

An accident involving the close pass-by of a comet occurred. After a few attempts to fix it, the colony lost the ability to retain its air. Older, poorer sections went first, which included my home and the home of the girl I loved. I tried to comfort her, and in the last sections I offerred to push her off the asteroid for a faster death, and so her body wouldn't be destroyed in upcoming collisions, but she said she'd be lonely floating in open space alone.

Somehow I ended up making it out of that section after she died in our bed, and into one of the few richer sections with better air tight systems so the air was still in place for now (although leaking). Here was my fiance (the darling of the colony). She said she wanted to know what it was like to ride horses under an open sun, and the colonists reinflated a small open town square bubble, and used it to show us a movie of a couple riding horses on a beach on a sunny day. She said she wanted to know what it was like to ride a train, and they. dressed up a water supply feed tunnel, and send us around the outside of the asteroid underground in a simulated train ride.

With both of these fantasies having wasted the little extra air the richer section of town had, and with my fiance grateful for the gift given her by the colony's richer members, she decides to return to my room and my bed with me, and die there as long as we are careful to position ourselves with me exactly halfway between her body and the body of my other love, so that anyone in the future that found us wouldn't think she was secondary in her relationship with me.

Possible theme: The difference in attitudes between first discovering the doom and thinking the colony would be completely destroyed (when I thought my first love would be better off a floating corpse in open space), and the end when we feel that the lifeless colony would be discovered, and we were worried about how our bodies would be discovered.

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