Saturday, December 6, 2008


Yes yes. I deleted this blog.

Completely deleted. Poof. Gone. No backups, nothing.

It was time. This blog was created largely as a method of keeping in touch with an old college friend or two. I shared to a public audience, discussed various things, but it was as much for them as for me.

As such, it had a certain expectation behind it that I had to get rid of. It needed to go. I had to shake off all the expectations, and leave it dark for awhile to get a true new start to it.

Now? Lets just call it an open diary. If one of my old friends finds it again, fine, but it's no longer there for them at all.

Now it's just interesting thoughts, personal observations, and embarrassing introspection (which has always been my speciality).

There will be no cute bloggy personality tests, no cute bloggy awards, and no schedule for my posts. It's just a way of thinking out loud.

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