Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Microsoft suxxors

Lest I sound like I hate my new job, I don't.

I actually like my bosses so far, although I saw them fire someone in the first week. It's true he made a major error that cost a bunch of top level executives two days of e-mails at a large company... Still, it's a concern. Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes big ones. I don't know if this guy was on thin ice to begin with, or if this is the kind of place that kicks your ass out to save their own the second any mistake is made.

They don't seem like that type, but it's a consulting/outsourcing company. Given the choice between fair and keeping their contract, your ass is out.

If nothing else I can learn some new technology, get some practical experience... I'd rather be a network guy, but this place may force me to go back to being a Microsoft expert.

Microsoft sucks in SO many ways, and Microsoft guys don't get the respect because of that.

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