Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't piss off the natives

This lovely statue is of Napoleon's wife, and sits in a beautiful public park a short walk from the pier in Martinique.

It's not very interesting until you hear the back story. You see, it seems Napoleon's wife was a hero to the slaves in Martinique, she is credited with freeing them.

A short time before my cruise, old documents were uncovered that revealed Napoleon's wife had urged they RE-ENSLAVE the people there.


The blood red paint splattered across the statue, and the head still hasn't been found.

Can't say I blame them.

By the way, that fetching lady in the picture is my neice. I'm so old...


Unknown said...

Interesting story. It's interesting, isn't it, what happens, at times, when the WHOLE story is told? When, History, unedited, becomes common knowledge?

You niece is .... attractive.

Ingot said...

She's the first in our family to earn a doctorate.

It's in physical therapy. She can be quite athletic.